This website uses cookies to deliver, maintain and improve our services, and to analyse our traffic. You can manage or withdraw your consent at any time.

Cookies are small text files used by websites to help ensure that each user’s experience is customised and more efficient.

EU law allows us to store cookies on your device which are essential to the operation of this site. For all other cookies we need to ask your permission.

Your consent applies to the following domains:


  • cookie_notice_accepted
    This cookie is used to record whether or not you have accepted cookies from the notification bar.
    Duration: 30 days


  • _ga
    This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site’s analytics report.
    Duration: session
  • _gid
    This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the wbsite is doing.
    Duration: 1 day
  • _gat_gtag_
    This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to limit requests to Google servers.
    Duration: 1 minute

Please note that third parties (including, for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies, over which we have no control. For instance, Google will set additional cookies if you are logged into your Google account. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies.



Dataseat provides our clients (Typically advertising agencies and App developers who are marketing and promoting their apps to consumers) with a platform to run their own advertising campaigns. They use the Dataseat platform to minimise the risk of their adverts being shown in poor quality inventory. Our aim is to allow our clients to identify people who are likely to be interested in their products and services and to provide the best possible advertising experience for users and for our clients by linking our clients with the users who are interested in their adverts.

With our service, you should see adverts that are more relevant, interesting and engaging giving a positive experience not an intrusive one.


We receive information containing the advertising ID from mobile applications on Android and iOS smart phones and tablets. Advertising IDs are sent to us by our clients and or their attribution service provider for users that have downloaded and engaged with their App. Our technology is also connected to Advertising exchanges which give our clients the opportunity to buy and serve adverts in other publisher Apps.

This technology allows us to analyse trends, identify users interests and avoid showing irrelevant and annoying adverts. As we are only advertising in mobile applications, we do not use cookies for our advertising platform or collect any data that has been derived from cookies

What does this privacy policy cover?

Dataseat takes privacy very seriously. This privacy policy sets out the principles with which we (Dataseat) apply to the data we collect and process. This policy describes the uses and purposes we have for the data we collect and how we collect and secure any personal information we collect through the services we offer.


Dataseat collects data in order to provide relevant high-quality advertising in mobile Apps for our clients. We do not share data with third parties. However, if you wish to disable our advertising please refer to your device operating system instructions, or follow the instructions below:

Android Users (Android version 2.3 and above)

To use the “opt-out of interest based advertising” option, follow the instructions from Google here.

(This is a device setting and will disable interest-based advertising from all advertisers)

Alternatively and in addition to the above, you can opt-out via the Dataset Opt out App for iOS & Android.

Download the Android Opt-out app here.

iOS Users 

We do not collect or use iOS device ids, commonly known as IDFA.



We only collect information based on the advertising ID of your mobile device. We do not know who you are. We only share information we collect with the brand/advertiser who has paid for the advert .The collection of your personal data is based on your consent: Dataseat acts as a data processor receiving data from advertising publishers who have, as required by law, informed you and collected your consent for personalised advertising. We also act as a data-processor on behalf of our clients.

Although we collect information about usage patterns of Apps, we will never knowingly allow the identification of an individual or share data that would allow another party to do so. We collect data related to :

-Events related to your usage of our clients Apps.

-Information related to your device (device type, operating system, version)

-The country where you are located (so that we can serve adverts only in relevant countries)

-Events related to Dataseat’s advertising and the adverts we have shown you.

We do not store your full IP address for advertising purposes, however we may use it for fraud detection.


As stated above, we do not know who you are. We do not know your name, your address, your email address or phone number or any location beyond the country you are in.

-We do not collect hardware identifiers (e.g. MAC address)

-We do not collect sensitive information (e.g. political views, health, religion etc)

-We do not specifically target children under 16 years old.

-We do not process any information that could allow us to determine your identity.

We do collect information in order to provide relevant and engaging advertising. We also collect information for reporting purposes (e.g. how many adverts have been shown) to allow our clients to improve their advertising over time.


Dataseat supports and complies with the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) v2.0-2.2.


We will not share individual records of users. However, we do provide our clients with aggregated reports on the performance of their advertising.


Dataseat retains data for up to 13 months from the date it is collected. Where required by law in response to a legal request by a public body we may disclose your information when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, your safety or the safety of others.


Dataseat is an EU company and stores and retains all data from the EU in EU data centres. We provide you with the opportunity to review and delete any Personally Identifiable Information that has been collected through consented use of our services. You can send us an email or write to us as set forth below.


Dataseat is an advocate of privacy and transparency and believes that providing good quality non-intrusive advertising is to the benefit of our clients and users. We support any initiative that seeks to promote and improve transparency and privacy protection for users. Dataseat is a member of IAB Europe


From time to time, we may update or change this privacy policy as needed by changing legislation or improvements to our service. If we do review our privacy policy, we will post these changes to this privacy statement so that you are aware of how we use and protect the data we collect. We will notify you on this site before any changes come into effect.

Last updated: 28th February 2022


Company: Dataseat Ltd

Address: 1st Floor, 33 Hyde Park Square, London, W22NW

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 (0) 845 838 5284


Fieldfisher Tech Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Am Sandtorkai 68
20457 Hamburg, Germany